Atharva Dhamankar
Where Programmers Cry
Humorous anecdotes that will give programmers nightmares. Code being used like it shouldnt be.
The Fundamental Rule of Software Programming:
📜 If it worketh dont toucheth. 📜
If we had a pro coder along with us during these times, there would be a very high chance that he would have been found the next day in a ball still crying from the trauma.
But joke apart, these are some "innovative ways" that we figured out to solve the problems and bottlenecks that we had at hand. Most of it wasnt optimum code, but it was pretty innovative and sometimes even saved the day!
The Fundamental Rule of Software Programming:
📜 If it worketh dont toucheth. 📜
If we had a pro coder along with us during these times, there would be a very high chance that he would have been found the next day in a ball still crying from the trauma.
But joke apart, these are some "innovative ways" that we figured out to solve the problems and bottlenecks that we had at hand. Most of it wasnt optimum code, but it was pretty innovative and sometimes even saved the day!
The time when i substituted flask with selenium
Dont know how to route pages using flask?
No worries, we've got u covered! Simply do the whole process using selenuim.
Browsers, FEAR MY WRATH!!!
A free backend database on a github website?!!!
this one will be worth the wait i promise
Crashing browsers and hanging PCs
Stupid implementation, massive implications
SQL Js Injections
Cant do an SQL injection if you dont have a database.
But what about a Js injection?